We Fell From Paradise to Hell on Earth

Norberto Keppe

In the Bible, Adam and Eve lived in contact with God and the spiritual beings. The change from that state to our situation today is really only visual; we actually continue living like before, with the difference that the Creator and the angels have been replaced by demonic beings who cannot appear to us for fear of losing their kingdom. I am trying to say that we are much more surrounded than we think by these demonic spirits, who need our energy to reduce their suffering.

In paradise we enjoyed the company of superior beings especially God while today we  are much more surrounded by the inferior spirits. And this has been our choice, occurring when we assume the attitudes of arrogance, envy, and anger.

– I see shadowy figures all the time, especially at night.
– What do you think this is?
– I believe they are the spiritual beings that surround me.
– What kind are they?
– Some good and some bad.

Readers may note that there has been an enormous diminishment in our perception, and this is the reason we are closer to the material (visible) world today. Still, the spiritual
universe continues to exist as it has always existed, but with all the problems that have arisen from our choices. What has happened to humanity has been a stopping of spiritual life, meaning we have practically eliminated true existence.

– I dreamed that I saw in my living room a relative who had died a long time ago. She was always a very suspicious person.
– What do you associate her with?
– Rage and anger. But the whole experience was very unreal.
– You have the idea that your attitudes of anger and rage are not real.

I am saying that there is something correct about the concept that the so-called sins (pathology) are a waste of time, and this is the reason people feel bad when they give free rein to their bad feelings. Human beings generally tend to fight with good people and their own goodness, not with evil.

– Why did our parents fight with the Creator, who gave them everything they had?
– What do you think about this attitude?
– Something against goodness?

The human being usually acts against what exists. He does this because what exists reveals to him what doesn’t exist; in other words, by perceiving what is good the person also perceives what is evil. We fell from Paradise on Earth to Hell on Earth when we denied living with the Divine Being, and this is the reason we are born and live entire lives full of unpleasant experiences.

There is a great similarity between the behavior of mentally sick individuals and what we imagine the suffering of the demons to be.

– I am thinking that the demons were originally angels who changed into totally sick spirits.
– Why do you think this?
– Books I have read and vampire movies reveal a real similarity between very mentally ill people and these diabolic characters.

By the way, the “scientists” of the past were fond of making a connection between mental illness and diabolic possession, and this is the reason there is still enormous interest in this subject, which, after all, affects all of us.
